Homework and Assessments

May 30th - June 5

1. Prodigy = 23 Questions
  • 15 are about fractions.
  • 8 are related to language (key ideas and finding evidence from the text).


May 9th-29th

1. Math Work Package # 2
  • Fractions, Decimals, Percents, Metric Conversions (length, mass, capacity).
  • Due: Tuesday, May 24th.
2. Math Work Package # 1 (past due)
  • Coordinates (x,y) on a grid.
  • Translations on a grid.
  • Due: Monday, May 16th


May 2nd - 8th

1. Math Test: Thursday, May 5th
**** Study for this test. You can do this by reviewing items in the 'Operations' slide deck such as: the Google Slides, the videos, and the 'Sum it up' pages.

Grade 5s: 
- Knowing your multiplication and division facts from 0 x 0 to 12 x 12.
- Complete 2 by 2 multiplication using the standard algorithm and the area model.
- Complete 3 by 2 division using long division.
- Solve word problems involving multiplication and/or division.

Grade 6s: 
Solve word problems involving multiplication and/or division.
- Recognize (e.g. matching) the divisibility rules for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10.
- Find the prime factors of composite numbers (e.g. - using factor trees).

2. Prodigy = 12 questions (they are language questions).

3. Catch-Up = Anything from the work list for the past few weeks. 

April 25th-May 1st

1. Math Homework Sheet (s)
Grade 5s: Division (2 by 3 digits)
Grade 6s: Prime/Composite Numbers and Factors (Factor Trees)
- Grade 6s.....I recommend waiting until we have the lesson on this before you attempt the homework.
Due: Monday, May 2nd

2. Continue learning your multiplication and division facts.
- Remember, I sent the double-sided fact sheet for you to practise.

3. Raz-Kids = 1 Book (reading + quiz)

April 19th-24th

1. Grade 6s ONLY: See the blog post (main page) about the yearbook announcement.

2. Prodigy = 12 Questions

3. You will do 1 of the following (depending on what you know):

Option 1: Continue to learn your multiplication facts up to 12!

Option 2: If you know all your multiplication facts.........
continue to learn your division facts up to 12!

Option 3: If you know all the facts above, complete 1-2 sessions of Xtramath.

4. Read for 15 minutes. 


April 11th-18th

1. Grade 6s ONLY: See the blog post (main page) about the yearbook announcement.

2. Math Homework Page: Multiplication (double-sided)
- This is a paper I will be giving you on Monday.
- Due: Tuesday, April 19th (or earlier if you're done).

3. You will do 1 of the following (depending on what you know):

Option 1: Continue to learn your multiplication facts up to 12!

Option 2: If you know all your multiplication facts.........
continue to learn your division facts up to 12!

Option 3: If you know all the facts above, complete 1-2 sessions of Xtramath.


April 4th-10th

1. Grade 6s ONLY: Be sure you're done your yearbook page! 
- See the Work List for the instructions for this. 

2. Be sure you're caught up on all your work on the work list. 

3. Math Test (DATA): Wednesday, April 6th
- Look at the previous week to see what is on the test. :)

4. XtraMath = 1 session


March 28th - April 3rd

1. Grade 6s ONLY: Be sure you're done your yearbook page! See the Work List for the instructions for this. 

2. Be sure you're caught up on all your work on the work list. 

3. XtraMath = 1 session

4. Read for our 100 Books Challenge! 😀📚
- If you finish a book, don't forget to add it to the reading log.


You will have your data unit test next week, so I can go over a few things with you and see if you have questions. We will start a new math unit this week.

You can keep reviewing the Data Google Slide Deck and your work (and answers) in the workspace. 

- It will be a combination of multiple choice, short answers, and making graphs.
Things you will be expected to know for the test:
  • Making a graph: I can't say which type, so you have to make sure you have a good understanding of how to do any of them. Though, I will say there is a good chance the grade 5s will have to make a continuous line graph or stacked-bar graph. For the grade 6s, there is a good chance you will have to make a broken line graph or histogram.
  • Interpreting a graph: Being able to answer questions about a graph and its data.
  • Making Conclusions
  • Calculating the mean, median, mode, and range (gr.6).
  • Justifying graph choices: Being able to explain why a type of graph is a good choice for the type of data/survey given.
  • Definitions: There may be a a couple multiple choice questions related to definitions of keywords.
  • Sampling Techniques (Grade 5) - See info on the Google Slides.


March 21st-March 27th

1. XtraMath = 1 session
*Remember, your goal by the end of the school year is to pass all 4 sections: adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. 
- When you pass each one, I print of the certificate for you. :) 

2. Grade 6s ONLY: Work on your yearbook page! See the Work List for the instructions for this. 

3. Read for our 100 Books Challenge! 😀📚
- If you finish a book, don't forget to add it to our class blog. 

OTHER: Upcoming Test
You will have your DATA TEST next week!
So, you could start reviewing the Google Slide Decks for this unit. 
- It will be a combination of multiple choice, short answers, and making graphs.
Things you will be expected to know for the test:
  • Making a graph: I can't say which type, so you have to make sure you have a good understanding of how to do any of them. Though, I will say there is a good chance the grade 5s will have to make a continuous line graph or stacked-bar graph. For the grade 6s, there is a good chance you will have to make a broken line graph or histogram.
  • Interpreting a graph: Being able to answer questions about a graph and its data.
  • Making Conclusions
  • Calculating the mean, median, mode, and range (gr.6).
  • Justifying graph choices: Being able to explain why a type of graph is a good choice for the type of data/survey given.
  • Definitions: There may be a a couple multiple choice questions related to definitions of keywords.
  • Sampling Techniques (Grade 5) - See info on the Google Slides.


March 7th-11th

1. Math Quiz: Wednesday, March 9th
Grade 5s: You will be given a set of data and then need to create a stacked-bar graph.
- You will have a few questions that go with it.
Grade 6s: You will be given a set of data and then need to create a histogram.
- You will have a few questions that go with it.

2. XtraMath = 1 session

3. Read for our 100 Books Challenge! 😀📚
- If you finish a book, don't forget to add it to our class blog. 


February 28th-March 6th

1. Review Data Slide deck.
- Read through this slide deck for what we have learned so far. 
- There has been a lot of information, so it's important you review this information to check your understanding. 

2. XtraMath = 1 session

3. Read for our 100 Books Challenge! 😀📚
- If you finish a book, don't forget to add it to our class blog. 


February 22-27th

1. Review Data Slide deck.
- Read through this slide deck for what we have learned so far. 
- There has been a lot of information, so it's important you review this information to check your understanding. 

2. XtraMath = 1 session

3. Read for our 100 Books Challenge! 😀📚
- If you finish a book, don't forget to add it to our class blog. 


February 14th - 20th

1. Math Quiz (Data): Tuesday, February 15th
Grade 5s: You need to be able to calculate the mean, median, and mode of a data set.
Grade 6s: You need to be able to calculate the mean, median, mode, and range of a data set.

2. XtraMath = 1 session

3. Read for our 100 Books Challenge! 😀📚
- If you finish a book, don't forget to add it to our class blog. 


February 7th-13th

1. Newspaper Article and Descriptive Writing 📝
- Please ensure you're done your Newspaper Article.
- Try to finish 'Zip's Room Design' Assignment.

2. Prodigy = 12 questions 📈📊

3. Read for our 100 Books Challenge! 😀📚
- If you finish a book, don't forget to add it to our class blog. 


January 31st - February 6th

1. Newspaper Article

Please finish your Newspaper Article if you're not done. 

2. XtraMath = 1 session (about 10-15 minutes)

3. Read to a parent for 10 minutes
- This could be from something you own or on Raz-Kids. 


January 24-30th

1. Newspaper Article

Please continue to work on your Newspaper Article at home. 
We will still have some class time, but we need to move on, so please work on this at home. 

2. IXL Math: Graphs 

- You can only answer 10 questions a day and then you can't answer any more.
* Complete 10 questions between these 3 sections. You should be able to do these based on your knowledge from previous years. 

Both Grades: Grade 6 Section
  • EE.1: Interpret Pictograms
  • EE.5: Interpret Line Plots
  • EE.11: Interpret Double Bar Graphs
Click on this LINK and scroll to those sections above. 
Option: You can try to do more questions on other days in that section called "Data and Graphs".

3. Prodigy = 16 Questions

- Half are about angles and the other have are about time.
- We don't cover time in grade 5 and 6; it stops after grade 4 now. Though, I think it's important you can all read analog clocks and be able to solve problems involving elapsed time (time that goes by). Elapsed time is something you will use in daily life. 


January 17-23rd

1. Make sure to check to see if you have any Raz-Kids reading assessments. Please complete it if you do and be sure to complete all parts. 

2. Wednesday, January 19th: Math Test  (Angles)

3. Please continue to work on your Newspaper Article. We will have class time to do this, but I want you to try to be finished by Friday. 


January 10-14th

*** Your homework this week is to ensure you're prepared for these tests. I suggest to read the "Sum it Up" cards in each workspace (Operations and Angles) and you can go through the main slide deck as well to help you prepare. 

1. Wednesday, January 12th: Math Test 

Grade 5: Adding, Subtracting, Word Problems.
Grade 6: Adding, Subtracting, Estimating, Word Problems.
* Be sure you can add and subtract without a calculator.

2. Monday, January 17th: Angles Test
* For the measuring and constructing angles, we will be using online software for this.

Grade 5: comparing angles, estimating the size of angles based on benchmark angles (i.e. - right angle, half a right angle, straight angle, acute angle, obtuse angle), measuring angles using non-standard units, and measuring and constructing angles up to 180 degrees using a protractor (virtual protractor).

Grade 6: measure and construct/draw angles up to 360 degrees using a protractor (virtual protractor), and find the value of missing angles by using the properties of them (i.e. - supplementary angles, complementary angles, opposite angles, interior angles, and exterior angles). 

3. Optional: You can also work on your Newspaper Article at any time. 


January 5-9th

No homework this week!


December 13-17th

- The only thing you need to do is complete the Raz-Kids Assessment; if you still have not completed it from 2 weeks ago. 

- Otherwise, there is no homework until the New Year! :) 


December 6th-12th

1. Raz-Kids: Complete your reading assessment.
- Some of you finished this last week, but some need to still complete it.

2. Angle Hunt Sheet (Due: Monday, December 13th).
- You will get this on Tuesday.
- Wait until you learn how to measure angles before trying to do this. You should know by the end of Wednesday how to measure angles with a protractor.

3. Xtramath = 10 minutes**


November 29th - December 5th

1. Raz-Kids

a) Go to your messages: Look for my name and read the feedback I have given you from your recent reading assessment and previous one. 

b) If you have an assessment there, complete it.
Remember, you need to complete all 3 parts: recording you reading, recording you summary or retelling, and the quiz. It's important to complete all parts so I can see that you understand what you're reading.
- Try to be in a location where there is not too much background noise so you're able to focus and do your best. 😀
- If you don't see an assessment, read 1 book at your level and complete the quiz. 

2. IXL Math Questions
- Click on THIS link. 
- The questions below are in the 'Two-Dimensional Figures' section.

a) Review types of angles
Scroll to JJ.6 (Complete 5 questions).
- You should already know this from previous years.

b) Measuring angles
- Scroll to JJ.8 (Complete 5 questions).
- Maybe don't try this until mid-week.

c) Drawing angles
- Scroll to JJ.9 (Complete 5 questions). 
- Maybe don't try this until mid-week.

d)  Optional: You can go to the site below and try one of these angle activities/games.
- Scroll to where it says, 'Brain Builders'.
- You'll see 3 activities related to angles. 

3. Optional
Padlet: Bullying Prevention and Awareness Week
- You can continue to add to this padlet.

CLICK HERE to get to the Padlet.

November 22-28th

1. Quiz: Making Connections (Wednesday, November 24th)
- You will be listening to a story and then making connections to it.

2.  Math Quiz: Addition and Subtraction (Friday, November 26th)
- This will be 1 word problem. 
- You will need to be able to add and subtract to complete the question.
- You will need to be able to justify your answer (i.e.,  - prove that your answer is correct).

3. Padlet: Bullying Prevention and Awareness Week
- Throughout the week, you need to post something you have learned, reflected on, or is important related to bullying. 
- Use your name as the title of your post.
- To make a post, just click on the '+' sign. 
- You need to make 1 post and comment on 1 post.
- You can make more than 1 post or comment on more than 1 post if you want. 
- I am moderating the comments. This means that your post won't show up until I approve of it. Please make your comments on topic and appropriate.

CLICK HERE to get to the Padlet.

4. IXL Math Questions
- Click on THIS link. 
- Grade 5: Scroll down and select B.3.
- Grade 6: Scroll down and select B.4.
- Complete 10 questions. I think this is the daily limit on how many questions you can answer.
- Complete this by: Thursday Night.

November 16th-21st

Most of the homework is Catch-Up Work!


If you are finished everything, the only homework you have this week is to do the Prodigy Questions I listed below. 

1. Making Connections (Google Document)
- It's in the 'Self-Monitoring/Making Connections' Workspace. 
- Some of you have finished, but many have not.
- The instructions are at the top of this Google document. We had started this in class, please finish this sheet. You need to have 3 connections - try to have 1 of each type of connection. It's okay if the connections are from a different book than you originally started.
- The books can be your own or from Raz-Kids (be sure it's at your reading level).

2. Raz-Kids: Assessment
- Some of you still have an assessment to complete in there that is late.
- Be sure you complete it! :)

3. Thanksgiving Acrostic Poem
- There are about 6-7 of you that are not done.
- It's in the workspace called ' Special Occasions/Days'.

4. Prodigy = 12 Questions (These are addition and subtraction questions).
*** NEW


November 8th-15th

1. Read throughout the week.

2. XtraMath: 15 minutes.


November 1st-7th

The only homework this week is to read at home. :)

October 25-31st

1. Prodigy = 12 questions (adding and subtracting)

2. Raz-Kids 
-Check your account, if there is an assessment there, please complete it. 
- If you don't have an assessment there, read 1 book at your level and answer the quiz that goes with it. 

3. XtraMath = 5-10 minutes

4. Read
- Read each school day for 10 minutes or combine it all on one day. 
- This can be any book you have at home or you can read in Raz-Kids. 

October 18-24th

1. Math Test: Tuesday, October 19th.
Grade 5: Place Value (Numbers up to 100,000)
Grade 6: Place Value (Numbers up to 1,000,000) and Integers.

2. CASI Reading Assessment: Wednesday, October 20th
- You will have a reading and then have to answer some questions. 

3. Raz-Kids 
-Check your account, if there is an assessment there, please complete it. 

4. XtraMath = 10 minutes

5. Read
- Read each school day for 10 minutes or combine it all on one day. 
- This can be any book you have at home or you can read in Raz-Kids. 

October 12-17th

1. CASI Reading Assessment
- Likely on Thursday, October 14th
- You can't actually study for this.
- You will have a reading and then have to answer some questions. 

2. Raz-Kids 
a) Check your account, if there is an assessment there, please complete it. 
- For the retell, be sure to include as much detail as possible. 
    - If it's a story (fiction): Remember to tell where the story takes place, who the characters are, the events (in the correct order), what the problem is, and what the resolution (how the problem was solved) was.

3. Prodigy
- 8 Questions (You will see that they're on comparing numbers.)

4. Read
- Read each school day for 10 minutes or combine it all on one day. 
- This can be any book you have at home or you can read in Raz-Kids. 

Oct. 4-10th

1. Math Quiz: Representing Numbers
- Tuesday: October 5th

2. Raz-Kids 
a) Complete the "Flight Check".
- This is to help me see what level you're at. When you log on, click on the spaceship on the left that says 'Flight Check'.
- You will be reading out loud. When it asks to allow access to your microphone, click allow.
- There are 3 parts. First, you will read a short text. Second, you will have to retell what happened. Third, you will have to answer questions.
- For the retell, be sure you provide as much detail as possible. Include: where the story takes place, who the characters are, the events (in the correct order), what the problem is, and what the resolution (how the problem was solved) was.

3. XtraMath
- Use this for about 5-10 minutes.

Sept. 27 - Oct. 3rd

1. Raz-Kids 
- Be sure you have completed the placement reading activity. 
- Once you're logged in, scroll down the page. It will say, 'Your Reading Assignments'. Click on where it says 'Reading Level Placement Tool'. Then, complete it. 

2. Prodigy = 12 Questions

3. My Paragraph: You can complete this in the 'First Weeks of School' Workspace or I can give you a paper copy. Instructions are on it.
- Due: Friday, October 1st


September 20-27th

1. Complete the: All About Me Form - I will give this to you in class.

2. Look through the class blog tabs on the left to see what is in each. 

3. Log into Xtramath: Try completing the first set of questions on addition.

Continued From Last Week:
4. Log into Prodigy 
- Try playing and answering 5-10 questions (in the battles). 

5. Log into Raz-Kids 
- Complete the placement reading activity. Some of you may already be done this. 
- Once you're logged in, scroll down the page. It will say, 'Your Reading Assignments'. Click on where it says 'Reading Level Placement Tool'. Then, complete it. 


September 13-19th

** # 1 and #2 can be completed next week. 

1. Log into Prodigy (I will give you your login information by the end of this week)
- Try playing and answering 5-10 questions (in the battles). 

2. Log into Raz-Kids (I will give you your login information by the end of this week)
- Complete the placement reading activity. Once you're logged in, scroll down the page. It will say, 'Your Reading Assignments'. Click on where it says 'Reading Level Placement Tool'. Then, complete it. 

3. Bring back the 'Tell us About your Child' form.